Formula Operators in Calculators

When creating a calculator, you have two options for building out a formula:

  • Simple formula builder
  • Excel style table

The simple formula builder essentially operates as a single Excel cell, so anything you can achieve with a single cell you can achieve with that.

The Excel style builder givers you access to an entire table, where you can import reference data and select a desired results cell.

Basic Operators

Here's a list of these basic operators:

Condition Operator Formula example Value example Result
Find the sum of two or more values.
+ Q_1300 + Q_1301 100+45 145
Subtract a value from another.
- Q_1300 - Q_1301 200-80 120
Divide a value by another value.
/ Q_1300 / Q_1301 100/20 5
Multiply a value by another value.
* Q_1300 * Q_1301 5*30 150
Express a value as a percentage.
% Q_1300% 30% 0.3
Multiply a value by itself a specified number of times.
^ Q_1300 ^ 1301 3^2 9
Define operations that should be performed first.
( ) Q_1300 * (Q_1301 + Q_1302) 2*(3+5) 16
Max Function
Return the maximum value from all given values.
Max Max (Q_1300, Q_1301, Q_1302) Max(300,75,400) 400
Min Function
Return the minimum value from all given values.
Min Min (Q_1300, Q_1301, Q_1302) Min(30,120,50) 30

Tip: When using multiple operators in a formula, these will be executed according to the BODMAS order of operations.

Comparison and Reference Operators

You also have access to a wider range of operators. Most of these can still be used in the Simple formula builder, but if you need to reference a dataset we'd recommend using the Excel-style formula builder.

Condition Operator Examples
Range (Excel table only)
Defines a range to be used as part of a formula.
: A1 A4
Union (Excel table only)
Allows you to define multiple ranges to be used in formulae.
, SUM (A1:A4 ,B1:B4)
Test if one value is equal to another. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
= Q_1300  100
Greater Than
Test whether one value is greater than another value. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
> Q_1300  200
Less Than
Test if one value is less than another. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
< Q_1300  < 150
Greater Than or Equal To
Test if one value is greater than or equal to another. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
>= Q_1300  >= 10
Less Than or Equal To
Test if one value is less than or equal to another. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
<= Q_1300  <= Q_1301
Not Equal To
Test if one value is not equal to another. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
<> Q_1300  <> Q_1301

Note: Any formula that returns a text answer (e.g. TRUE, FALSE) cannot be shown as a total.

Using IF Statements

IF statements allow to to show one of two results depending on whether a logical condition you set has been met.

There are four variants of the IF function: IF, IF with AND, IF OR, and IF NOT.

Let's get into those below:

Function Description Formula Example Explanation
IF IF a statement is true, THEN return value 1, ELSE return value 2. IF(Q_3180>=1000,Q_3180-(Q_3180*0.1),Q_3180) IF question 1 returns a value of greater than or equal to 1000, THEN apply a 10% discount, ELSE the initial value is given as the result.
IF with AND IF statement 1 is true AND statement 2 is true, THEN return value 1, ELSE return value 2. IF(AND(Q_3180>500,Q_3187>100),Q_3180+Q_3187-(Q_3180+Q_3187)*0.1, Q_3180+Q_3187) IF question 1 returns a value higher than 500 AND question 2 returns a value greater than 100, THEN return the sum of both values minus 10%, ELSE return the sum of questions 1 and 2.
IF OR IF statement 1 is true OR statement 2 is true, THEN return value 1, ELSE return value 2.
IF(OR(Q_3180>500,Q_3187>100),Q_3180+Q_3187-(Q_3180+Q_3187)*0.1, Q_3180+Q_3187) IF question 1 returns a value higher than 500 OR question 2 returns a value higher than 100, THEN return the sum of both values minus 10%, ELSE return the sum of questions 1 and 2.
IF NOT IF statement 1 is NOT true, THEN return value 1, ELSE return value 2. IF(NOT(Q_3180+Q_3187>=1000), Q_3180+Q_3187,Q_3180+Q_3187-(Q_3180+Q_3187)*0.1) IF the sum of question 1 and question 2 is NOT greater than or equal to 1000, THEN return the sum of question 1 and question 2, ELSE return the sum of question 1 and question 2 minus 10%.

You can head over to our help doc all about creating IF statements for a walk-through on each of the above.