List of Question Types

We have a wide selection of question types to be employed in the creation of your surveys, forms, and quizzes. These include Standard Questions, Multi-Factor Questions, and Picture Choice Questions. To access them, you need to:

  1. Go to the Builder
  2. Select ‘Add Page Items’ in the sidebar OR Scroll to the bottom of your project and click the ‘Add Items’ button

Clicking any of the question types will open the help box; where you can find descriptions, examples, and question-specific options.

To insert a question, drag the type you wish to use to any position in your project and drop it. From here you’re free to edit, delete, and re-arrange questions to your heart's content.

You can even make cosmetic changes (text, images, and some settings) to your project once it’s been launched, but to add, remove, or re-order answer options you must delete all responses for the question.

Standard Questions

Below is a list of standard question types, which can be used to build your projects. Each type is tailored to gather respondent opinions and experiences in unique ways.

Opinion Scales

Opinion Scale QuestionProvide your participants with a numbered scale, which can be accompanied by an optional heat bar to support their evaluation of the question, and better frame their answer.

Multi-Choice (Single Select)

Multiple-Choice (Single-Select) QuestionCreate a multiple-choice question, where participants can select a single answer.

Multi-Choice (Multi-Select)

Multiple-Choice (Multi-Select) Question

Collect more than one answer from respondents using a single, multiple-choice question.

Star Rating

Star Rating QuestionAsk participants to assign a star rating to a subject or statement.

Net Promoter Score

NPS Question

Measure customer loyalty to your brand by asking a single question. The results from the NPS question type are compiled into a unique chart, which includes your calculated NPS and your number of Promoters (Green), Passives (Orange) and Detractors (Red).

Net Promoter Score Chart

NPS Chart

Drop-down List

Drop-Down List Question

Allow your participators to select an answer from a drop-down menu. This is a similar format to the Multi-Choice (Single Select) question type, but may be more suitable for questions with a more substantial list of answers: e.g. country of origin.

Order Ranking

Order Ranking QuestionDisplay a list of items that require the respondent to rank the options in ascending or descending order.


Slider QuestionLike the Opinion scale question type, participants can rate a subject or statement using a slider.

Comments/ Essay Box

Comment Box QuestionA basic text entry box, allowing for a large amount of text to be entered.

Text Box (Single)

Text Box (Single) QuestionA smaller text box, with room for a few words or a short sentence.

Text Box (Multiple)

Text Box (Mutiple) QuestionA customizable number of text boxes, which all relate to one question. You are able to set headings/ prompts to each box, allowing you to tackle several smaller topics concerning one subject.


Date QuestionRespondents can select a single date from a calendar.

Date Range

Date Range QuestionRespondents can select a date range.

Multi-factor Questions

These question types are perfect for more complicated projects, where a more in-depth or multi-factored response is required from participants.

Matrix (Common Scale)

Matrix Question

Also known as a Table Grid or Rating Grid, this allows for multiple questions to be rated or evaluated under a single scale. E.g. You could ask several questions and format them to all be rated on a scale of ‘Bad’ to ‘Good’ or ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’.

Multi-Factor Scale

Multi-Factor Scale QuestionYou may have also seen this referred to as a Likert Scale. These provide you with a means of requiring ONE question to be evaluated under numerous scales.

Multi-Factor Slider

Multi-Factor Slider QuestionSupply a statement or question that can be rated by one or more scales, in the form of sliders.

Picture Choice Questions

The addition of pictures to a survey or quiz doesn’t only improve its visual design, but can also grant further clarity and understanding to questions.

Picture Choice (Single Select)

Picture Choice (Single-Select) QuestionThis question type acts as a Multi-Choice (Single Select) question, but with an additional ability to attach images to the answer options.

Picture Choice (Multi-Select)

Picture Choice (Multiple Select) QuestionLike the Multi-Choice (Multi-Select) question type, more than one answer can be selected. However, this alternative gives you the ability to attach images to your answers.

Picture Comments

Picture Comments Question

Provide a set of images to be evaluated or analyzed by respondents. These images are accompanied by corresponding textboxes.

That rounds up the basics of each of our available question types. If you require further information, you can visit the individual articles for each. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve your projects, so don’t hesitate to get in touch via our chatbox.